Mickey Haist
Menu Current Volume Archive About Us Submit Categories Mickey Haist Haist came to visual arts in his mid-thirties, originally creating abstracts in pursuit of the therapeutic aspects of the process. Having worked through all his feelings, he has transitioned to representational pieces. He is now working on a new series organized around the idea of nostalgic objectification of the midcentury. He works as a teacher. Website: www.mickeyhaistjrart.com. Instagram: @mickeyhaistjrpaintings Second Cold Night
Morgan Auten-Smith
Menu Current Volume Archive About Us Submit Categories Morgan Auten-Smith Morgan Auten is an abstract painter and elementary art teacher from northeast Georgia. She is an art educator with 12 years experience under her belt. Art education is not just a means to an end for Morgan, but also a passion. She loves teaching creativity to kids and showing them all that they are capable of. Morgan’s work is bold, calming, thoughtful, filled with intention, and beauty. Through her own joyful take on color and shape, she explores the intersections between individuality and womanhood, and power and patriarchy. Currently, Morgan resides in Gainesville, Ga with her partner Joshua and twin children. Artist Statement: My work expresses the sacrifices made when struggling between the artistic self and the self that exists outside of the studio. As a woman, wife, teacher, I am reduced to fit into certain molds and must cull elements of myself. There are parts of my life that I sacrifice in order to create. Similarly sacrifices occur to complete artwork, layers sacrificed to find compositional conclusion, colors offered up and covered over in the name of balance. The sacrifices that are made in my work bring forth a language of light, color, edges, weight and shape. All of these come together to create a dialog that is arresting to the viewer. These sacrifices result in color fields of expressive geometric abstraction that are both powerful and delicate.There is always something under the surface in my paintings, something that makes the viewer pause over the subtleties and consider what has been sacrificed. Website: morganautensmith.com Instagram: _morgan_auten_ The Furies The Blue Train Devil Details
Keegan Baatz
Menu Current Volume Archive About Us Submit Categories Keegan Baatz Keegan Baatz is a photographer living in Pullman, Washington. He is currently working towards his MFA (Master of Fine Art) at Washington State University. He received his BFA from Black Hills State University in May of 2023. His work consists of portraiture, fine art, and some landscape. Within his personal work, he is exploring digital manipulation and constructed environments, with a focus on spaces of transition and the hinterland. Website: keeganbaatz.com Instagram: keegan.baatz Point 28-15 Point 25-2 Point 21-47 Point 8-3 Point 30-9
Cynthia Yatchman
Menu Current Volume Archive About Us Submit Categories Cynthia Yatchman Cynthia Yatchman is a Seattle-based artist and art instructor. With an MA in child development and a BA in education, she has a strong interest in art education and teaches art to adults, children, and families in Seattle. As a former ceramicist, she studied with J.T. Abernathy in Ann Arbor, MI; however, after receiving her BFA in painting from the University of Washington, she switched from 3D art to 2D and has remained there ever since. She works primarily on paintings, prints, and collages. Her art is housed in numerous public and private collections, and she has been shown nationally in California, Connecticut, New York, Indiana, Michigan, Oregon, and Wyoming. She has exhibited extensively in the Northwest, including shows at Seattle University, Seattle Pacific University, Shoreline Community College, the Tacoma and Seattle Convention Centers, and the Pacific Science Center. She is a member of the Seattle Print Arts Association and CoCA (Center on Contemporary Art). Website: facebook.com/cynthia.yatchman Instagram: @cynthiayatchmanart Color Trianaepta
Landa wo

Menu Current Volume Archive About Us Submit Categories Landa wo Landa wo is a poet from Cabinda, Angola, and France whose work has most recently appeared in Bellingham Review, Colorado Review, Contemporary Verse 2, Black Warrior Review online, Michigan Quarterly Review, Missouri Review, Raleigh Review, Salt Hill, Scrivener Creative Review, The Common, and other journals and anthologies. Landa wo is politically engaged, and his work deals with prominent issues of social justice, discrimination, and cultural strife. Twitter: @wo_landa Instagram: @landa.wo The Cabinda spouses
Romana Iorga
Menu Current Volume Archive About Us Submit Categories Romana Iorga Romana Iorga is the author of Temporary Skin (Glass Lyre Press, 2024) and a woman made entirely of air (Dancing Girl Press, 2024). Her poems have appeared in various journals, including New England Review, Lake Effect, and The Nation, as well as on her poetry blog at clayandbranches.com. Website: clayandbranches.com Instagram: @romanaiorga i have two DNAs one belongs to my old
Peter Scacco
Menu Current Volume Archive About Us Submit Categories Peter Scacco Peter L. Scacco began making woodcut prints when he was sixteen years old. His artwork has been featured in numerous print and online journals. Mr. Scacco also is the author of seven books of poetry and a translation of Théophile Gautier’s The Salon of 1850-51. A native of Cleveland, Ohio, and a graduate of Fordham University with a degree in art history, Mr. Scacco has lived and worked in New York, Paris, Tokyo, Brussels, and cities throughout the USA. Since 1995 he has made his home in Austin, Texas. Further examples of his art can be seen at www.scaccowoodcuts.com. Website: www.scaccowoodcuts.com Fragment Pattern Composition 7-22
Abby McCord
Menu Current Volume Archive About Us Submit Categories Abby McCord Abby McCord earned her bachelor’s degree in English/creative writing in 2022 and is now a full-time writer based in St. Louis. Her work has been published in Atticus Review. When she’s not writing, Abby can be found tending to her many plants and enjoying the company of her two pets. Yellowfin
Wendy Fontaine
Menu Current Volume Archive About Us Submit Categories Wendy Fontaine Wendy Fontaine’s work has appeared in dozens of literary journals and magazines including Pithead Chapel, Hippocampus Magazine, Longridge Review, Sweet Lit and Under the Sun, as well as Creative Nonfiction‘s Sunday Short Reads. She’s received nonfiction prizes from Hunger Mountain Review and TIFERET Journal and nominations to the Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net anthologies. A native New Englander, she lives in southern California. Something So Simple
Lauren ODonoghue
Menu Current Volume Archive About Us Submit Categories Lauren O’Donoghue Lauren O’Donoghue is a writer, game designer and PhD researcher based in Yorkshire. Her short fiction has been featured in Mslexia, Northern Gravy, Horror Library, Volume 8, ergot, Atlas & Alice, and Planet Scumm. She is a writer for a US-based text game developer, a Curtis Brown Creative Breakthrough candidate, and a freelance arts workshop facilitator. Website Link: laurenodonoghue.itch.io Twitter/X: @LHODonoghue In Eternal