k kuulz

Menu Current Volume Archive About Us Submit Categories k kuulz k kuulz, legally Kaden Umaña, is a queer latine multimedia artist born and raised in Los Angeles California. As a multimedia artist, kuulz enjoys taking an interdisciplinary approach by collaging multiple disciplines into their work. A lover of learning, kuulz enjoys exploring various mediums from drawing to dance and incorporating education into their work whenever possible. kuulz’ work, as a whole labeled as kuulz wrld, utilizes principles of storytelling to weave concepts and individual pieces together into a larger realm of work. kuulz wrld explores the multifaceted relationships between the artist’s marginalized identities and experiences that result from the spaces in-between identities and stages of life. Website: keuofficial.my.canva.site/kuulz-wrld Instagram: @k.kuulz Cuddlebuddy

when i say my father is homeless, i mean:

when I say my father is homeless, I mean: by Harley Chapman a funhouse version of himself laughing,an eclipse where his mouth should be. so smart. Just like him. he fell off the roof one Christmas& kept on falling. The snow embraced himlike the open sea swallows a sinking ship. dad vs. the State of California. I am talking about criminalities.I am talking about the act of committing a crimeas inseparable from being a criminal. my face is a long stretch of unshavenyears, stacked neatly on the tile. each implosion is entirely my fault(it is not my faultbut it is, still, entirely my fault). a portrait of god in his sunhat, shears poisedbefore an unsuspecting shoot of green. I no longer wish to be called honey,shrink from your touch. my story is changing. I cannot rememberwhat is real & what is just a name. fuck the government. Fuck the law,the police, the purse-clutchers,& every asshole with a brand-new car. an alternative phrasefor airing your dirty laundry isI have nowhere left to hide. I made a mess of it, drank myself stupid& rode that white line like a bronc. the record is stuck. A scratchy repeat:just like him. each year feels more & more like a dare. shame is a debt unpayable. Please,don’t make me explain. Poetry Home Art by Belle Dorcas

Girlhood Sonnet

Girlhood Sonnet by Sophia Ivey I lost my girlhood when my brother ripped out my first baby tooth. I can still rummage through my mother’s attic to find the VHS tape of him holding the small bleeding thing with his hands as if it were a rock bass he had just caught down at Lake Apopka. I told my palm reader this and she insisted I find all of my baby teeth and burn them to ash. I don’t. I keep them in my nightstand, though, most nights I am eager to flick my lighter in the little girl’s direction, burn each tooth to ash, bury each crumb into the dirt so I will not be reminded of things that used to be mine to hold. It would be easier, I know, but instead, I am determined to suck on each tooth like a cherry sour until it is sweet enough for me to spit out. One day, when I am done, I will rest them on my kitchen windowsill. Dry them by the wishbones I save. Like a stuffed rock bass hung on a living room wall I will find pride in preserving a slaughtered thing. Poetry Home Art by k kuulz

Sophia Ivey

Menu Current Volume Archive About Us Submit Categories Sophia Ivey Sophia Ivey is an MFA candidate for poetry at North Carolina State University. She has published a number of her poems in places such as The Oakland Arts Review, Hole in the Head Review, and Ghost City Press. She grew up in Florida and studied English Literature at Florida State University. Sophia is also a big fan of bumble bees and Kermit the Frog. Girlhood Sonnet Girlhood Sonnet

Andrea Bianchi

Menu Current Volume Archive About Us Submit Categories Andrea Bianchi Andrea Bianchi lives in Chicago. Her writing has appeared or is forthcoming in Witness, Pinch, New Ohio Review, The Rumpus, Hunger Mountain Review, CutBank, Epiphany, The Smart Set, New South, and elsewhere. Her writing was selected as a notable essay in The Best American Essays 2021, and her nonfiction was named the winner of Hunger Mountain Review’s 2023 Creative Nonfiction Prize. She is an MFA+MA candidate in the Litowitz Creative Writing Program at Northwestern University. Website: writingandrea.com On the Other Side of the Wall​