Nicole Morris
Menu Current Volume Archive About Us Submit Categories Nicole Morris Nicole Morris is a working-class, mixed-race Black girl poet who writes essays. Her writing has been or will be featured in Banshee, The Stinging Fly, Poetry Ireland Review, the Indiana Review, and elsewhere. Originally from Los Angeles, she lives in Western Ireland. Take Care. Take Care.
Maureen Pendras
Menu Current Volume Archive About Us Submit Categories Maureen Pendras Maureen Pendras is a writer and psychoanalyst living in Seattle, WA. She is a faculty member at the Seattle Psychoanalytic Society and Institute and has a private practice. Currently she’s at work on an essay collection and her essay, “Her Name is Mama,” was recently published in Under the Sun magazine. Her friends own a restaurant in which they describe their fare as Earth Food for Earth People, and this is one possible description of her writing. I Waited for My Turn and It Almost Killed Me I Waited for My Turn and It Almost Killed Me
Landa wo

Menu Current Volume Archive About Us Submit Categories Landa wo Landa wo is a poet from Cabinda, Angola, and France whose work has most recently appeared in Bellingham Review, Colorado Review, Contemporary Verse 2, Black Warrior Review online, Michigan Quarterly Review, Missouri Review, Raleigh Review, Salt Hill, Scrivener Creative Review, The Common, and other journals and anthologies. Landa wo is politically engaged, and his work deals with prominent issues of social justice, discrimination, and cultural strife. Twitter: @wo_landa Instagram: @landa.wo The Cabinda spouses
Romana Iorga
Menu Current Volume Archive About Us Submit Categories Romana Iorga Romana Iorga is the author of Temporary Skin (Glass Lyre Press, 2024) and a woman made entirely of air (Dancing Girl Press, 2024). Her poems have appeared in various journals, including New England Review, Lake Effect, and The Nation, as well as on her poetry blog at Website: Instagram: @romanaiorga i have two DNAs one belongs to my old
Abby McCord
Menu Current Volume Archive About Us Submit Categories Abby McCord Abby McCord earned her bachelor’s degree in English/creative writing in 2022 and is now a full-time writer based in St. Louis. Her work has been published in Atticus Review. When she’s not writing, Abby can be found tending to her many plants and enjoying the company of her two pets. Yellowfin
Wendy Fontaine
Menu Current Volume Archive About Us Submit Categories Wendy Fontaine Wendy Fontaine’s work has appeared in dozens of literary journals and magazines including Pithead Chapel, Hippocampus Magazine, Longridge Review, Sweet Lit and Under the Sun, as well as Creative Nonfiction‘s Sunday Short Reads. She’s received nonfiction prizes from Hunger Mountain Review and TIFERET Journal and nominations to the Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net anthologies. A native New Englander, she lives in southern California. Something So Simple
Lauren ODonoghue
Menu Current Volume Archive About Us Submit Categories Lauren O’Donoghue Lauren O’Donoghue is a writer, game designer and PhD researcher based in Yorkshire. Her short fiction has been featured in Mslexia, Northern Gravy, Horror Library, Volume 8, ergot, Atlas & Alice, and Planet Scumm. She is a writer for a US-based text game developer, a Curtis Brown Creative Breakthrough candidate, and a freelance arts workshop facilitator. Website Link: Twitter/X: @LHODonoghue In Eternal
Matthew Williams
Menu Current Volume Archive About Us Submit Categories Matthew Williams Matthew Williams is a teacher and poet from Sacramento, CA. He earned an MFA from NYU and received a Galway Kinnell Memorial Scholarship from The Community of Writers. His poems are forthcoming from or have appeared in The Banyan Review, California Quarterly, No, Dear, Gulf Stream Magazine, Qu Literary Magazine, the Under Review, Pangyrus, Switchback, Dryland, and as part of The Center for Book Arts Poetry Broadside Reading Series. He currently serves on the Board of Directors for No, Dear and lives with his husband in Brooklyn where he teaches in New York City Public Schools. Twitter: @emmdubb88 Instagram: @emmdubb88 And After, No One Lowered Their Flag
Kayla Jessop
Menu Current Volume Archive About Us Submit Categories Kayla Jessop Kayla Jessop is an MFA candidate at Lindenwood University. Her nonfiction has been published in Tempo, Harpur Palate, Broad River Review, You Might Need To Hear This, Lindenwood Review, Variant Literature, Welter, Press Pause Press, Chapter House Journal, Newfound, Coffin Bell, Chaotic Merge Magazine, Ignatian literary magazine, West Trade Review, Eastern Iowa Review, and Blood Orange Review. She does her best writing while sitting in coffee shops and daydreaming about possibilities. In her free time, when she’s not teaching, she enjoys cross-stitching and watching New Girl. Fears, Explained
Briel Felton
Menu Current Volume Archive About Us Submit Categories Briel Felton Briel Felton was born and raised in Portsmouth, Virginia. She received her BA in English from Old Dominion University and her MFA in Creative Writing from Cornell University. Her poems have appeared in various publications including Laurel Moon, Firewords, Rigorous, and the Barely South Review. She is also a librettist creating the libretto for A Midsummer Night’s Musicale and A Sermon on the Mount with composer John Bunge which premiered in Ithaca, NY. She is currently pursuing her Master’s in Library and Information Studies at ODU and will be graduating in May of 2024. When she is not writing she is rereading A Rock Against the Wind, an anthology of Black love poems, over and over again, thrifting and trying to find places for all the clothes in her closet, or picking up a new crafting hobby (this week she is into making beaded bracelets). Twitter: @brickhouse6000 Instagram: @brieljfelton The More We Go The More We Don’t Know a Thing Biological Speculation