Scott Dorsch

Menu Current Volume Archive About Us Submit Categories Scott Dorsch Scott Dorsch is a writer and professional coffee roaster living in West Michigan. His work has appeared in Midwestern Gothic, Dunes Review, Everything Change Vol. III, and translated in Nowa Fantastyka. He served as the fiction editor for Fugue Literary Journal while completing an MFA in Creative Writing at the University of Idaho. He is currently at work on his first novel and short story collection. Follow him or get in touch at Website: Cloudbursts Cloudbursts
jane putnam perry

Menu Current Volume Archive About Us Submit Categories jane putnam perry jane putnam perry, she/her, guest on unceded Lisjan Territory (Oakland, CA), auntie, member of 1000 Grandmothers, and a colonizer and Salem Witch Trials accuser, writes and creates art to recognize harms done and alive and pathways to mend with White Snake Diary and in McSweeney’s Quarterly Concern, The Oaklandside, The Gloucester Times, Paper Dragon, Alluvian, Still Point Arts Quarterly, The RavensPerch, The Bluebird Word, Glacial Hills Review, The Mail/The New Yorker, The Mantelpiece, Gyroscope Review, and several academic publications including Outdoor Play. Jane’s “Echo Bridge” was a 2021 audio poetry finalist in The Missouri Review, and “The Liminal Diary” was a 2023 Nonfiction finalist at Choeofpleirn Press. Find Jane at Website: Carrying Instructions Carrying Instructions
Belle Dorcas
Menu Current Volume Archive About Us Submit Categories Belle Dorcas belle dorcas is a collage artist from Michigan. Her work is meant to visualize feminine chaos. Website: Instagram: @belledorcasandfriends And She Flowers Camera Head
Harley Chapman

Menu Current Volume Archive About Us Submit Categories Harley Chapman Harley Anastasia Chapman holds an MFA in poetry from Columbia College Chicago & a BA in English Studies from Illinois State University. She was awarded the Allen & Lynn Turner Poetry Prize and has been a finalist for the Palette Poetry Emerging Poet Prize and the Pablo Neruda Prize for Poetry. Her poems can be found in Nimrod International Journal, Atlanta Review, Superstition Review, Bridge Eight Press, & Columbia Poetry Review, among others. Her first chapbook, Smiling with Teeth, is available through Finishing Line Press. Instagram: @rabbitxteeth when i say my father is homeless, i mean: when i say my father is homeless, i mean:
Sophia Ivey
Menu Current Volume Archive About Us Submit Categories Sophia Ivey Sophia Ivey is an MFA candidate for poetry at North Carolina State University. She has published a number of her poems in places such as The Oakland Arts Review, Hole in the Head Review, and Ghost City Press. She grew up in Florida and studied English Literature at Florida State University. Sophia is also a big fan of bumble bees and Kermit the Frog. Girlhood Sonnet Girlhood Sonnet
Patrice Sullivan
Menu Current Volume Archive About Us Submit Categories Patrice Sullivan Patrice Sullivan lives and works in Phoenix, AZ. She received her BFA from Massachusetts College of Art and an MFA from University of Pennsylvania. She has exhibited extensively nationally and internationally – including Gracie Mansion, Jim Kempner and Robert Miller Galleries in New York City, as well as the Gallery of Vaclav Spala in Prague, Czechoslovakia, and Castiglion Fiorentino in Italy. Recently, she has shown at The Shin Gallery in New York City. Museum and university shows include Carpenter Center at Harvard University, Somerville Museum, Somerville, MA, and Fort Collins Museum of Contemporary Art, Fort Collins, CO, and Rhode Island College, Providence, RI. Sullivan has attended residencies at Lower Manhattan Cultural Council’s “World Views” Program, Alfred & Trafford Klots International Program, Léhon, France, Edna St. Vincent Millay Colony, Scuola Internazionale Di Grafica Venezia, Venice, Italy, and Chalk Hill Residency in Healdsburg, CA. Recently, she was awarded a scholarship for the Manhattan Graphics Center in NYC for the Fall of 2022. Sullivan’s artwork has been reviewed by The Huffington Post, Artscore Magazine, Southwest Magazine, Westword magazine. Her work is in many private collections. Patrice is an Emeritus Professor of Painting at Colorado State University where she taught for twenty-five years. In addition, she was a Lecturer at Harvard University from 1988-1991. Patrice pioneered and taught a study abroad program in Italy through Colorado State University in Tuscany. Please visit my website: Artist Statement: The figure is the embodiment of the human experience. It is the site of courage, joy, and love; of compassion, fear, and pain; of struggle, loneliness, and frustration, or sorrow; of loss. As a narrative, figurative painter, I use the figure to depict these universal emotions. The images in my paintings are twice removed from reality. In their transfer from the tonal and spatial qualities of the photograph to the textural, gestural, and light qualities of the canvas, the figures acquire a new life. Spatial relationships are altered; details prominent in the photograph become irrelevant. The once poised and fixed portrayal is re-created as a natural and fluid image. However, a component of the photographic nature of the image remains: in the stance of a figure, its engagement with the camera, a certain poised consciousness of being observed. This subtle quality provides a compelling backdrop and removes the facades for the viewer. The family environment is the primary focus. The synthesis of the photographic and the painted image, within the familiar context of the family, invites viewers to explore their emotions and transcend worldly barriers: perhaps recalling a moment from parent- or childhood, perhaps renewing a quest to understand the meaning of our existence. Website: Endless Chatter Backyard Pool
Judith Skillman
Menu Current Volume Archive About Us Submit Categories Judith Skillman Judith Skillman paints expressionist works in oil on canvas and board. She is interested in feelings engendered by the natural world. Her paintings have graced the covers of Thin Air Magazine, Pithead Chapel, The Awakenings Review, and other journals. Work appears in The Penn Review, Artemis, Raven Chronicles, and elsewhere. Skillman has studied visual art at McDaniel College, Pratt Fine Arts Center, and Seattle Artist League (SAL). Shows include The Pratt, Galvanize, and Seattle Artist League. Visit,, Website: Red Sea
Andrea Bianchi
Menu Current Volume Archive About Us Submit Categories Andrea Bianchi Andrea Bianchi lives in Chicago. Her writing has appeared or is forthcoming in Witness, Pinch, New Ohio Review, The Rumpus, Hunger Mountain Review, CutBank, Epiphany, The Smart Set, New South, and elsewhere. Her writing was selected as a notable essay in The Best American Essays 2021, and her nonfiction was named the winner of Hunger Mountain Review’s 2023 Creative Nonfiction Prize. She is an MFA+MA candidate in the Litowitz Creative Writing Program at Northwestern University. Website: On the Other Side of the Wall
Nicole Morris
Menu Current Volume Archive About Us Submit Categories Nicole Morris Nicole Morris is a working-class, mixed-race Black girl poet who writes essays. Her writing has been or will be featured in Banshee, The Stinging Fly, Poetry Ireland Review, the Indiana Review, and elsewhere. Originally from Los Angeles, she lives in Western Ireland. Take Care. Take Care.
Maureen Pendras
Menu Current Volume Archive About Us Submit Categories Maureen Pendras Maureen Pendras is a writer and psychoanalyst living in Seattle, WA. She is a faculty member at the Seattle Psychoanalytic Society and Institute and has a private practice. Currently she’s at work on an essay collection and her essay, “Her Name is Mama,” was recently published in Under the Sun magazine. Her friends own a restaurant in which they describe their fare as Earth Food for Earth People, and this is one possible description of her writing. I Waited for My Turn and It Almost Killed Me I Waited for My Turn and It Almost Killed Me