jane putnam perry
jane putnam perry, she/her, guest on unceded Lisjan Territory (Oakland, CA), auntie, member of 1000 Grandmothers, and a colonizer and Salem Witch Trials accuser, writes and creates art to recognize harms done and alive and pathways to mend with White Snake Diary and in McSweeney’s Quarterly Concern, The Oaklandside, The Gloucester Times, Paper Dragon, Alluvian, Still Point Arts Quarterly, The RavensPerch, The Bluebird Word, Glacial Hills Review, The Mail/The New Yorker, The Mantelpiece, Gyroscope Review, and several academic publications including Outdoor Play. Jane’s “Echo Bridge” was a 2021 audio poetry finalist in The Missouri Review, and “The Liminal Diary” was a 2023 Nonfiction finalist at Choeofpleirn Press. Find Jane at janepperry.com.
Website: janepperry.com