Celeste Colarič-Gonzales
Menu Current Volume Archive About Us Submit Categories Celeste Colarič-Gonzales Celeste Colarič-Gonzales (she/her) writes/arts/mothers in Oakland, CA, on unceded Chochenyo Ohlone land. A dual M(F)A candidate at SFSU, she’s the recipient of several awards, including the Marcus Fellowship. When not wording, she paints, does old-school photography, or otherwise crafts. Find her words+ in Tinderbox Poetry Journal, NELLE, Woodcrest Magazine, The Ana, and Transfer, where she’s served as Poetry Editor and EIC. Instagram: @celestecolaricgonzales Šljivovica Šljivovica
Theo LeGro
Menu Current Volume Archive About Us Submit Categories Theo LeGro Theo LeGro is a queer Vietnamese-American poet and Kundiman fellow whose work has earned nominations for the Pushcart Prize, Best of the Net, and Best New Poets. Their poems appear or will appear in Brooklyn Poets, diode, Honey Literary, Plume, The Offing, Raleigh Review, and elsewhere. Their debut collection DON’T LET IT KILL YOU won the 2025 Lexi Rudnitsky First Book Prize, and is forthcoming from Persea Books in 2026. They live in Brooklyn with a cat named Vinny. Twitter: @theolegro. Instagram: @theolegro Heart Heart
Keegan Lawler

Menu Current Volume Archive About Us Submit Categories Keegan Lawler Keegan (he/him) is a writer currently living in Washington State with his family. His writing has appeared or is forthcoming from the Los Angeles Review, Salon, The Offing, Michigan Quarterly Review, Fourteen Hills, phoebe, and Tahoma Literary Review, among others. His chapbook, My Own Private Idaho, is forthcoming from Red Bird Chapbooks. His book, Fairyboy: Notes on Growing Up Queer in Rural North Idaho, was selected as the runner-up for the 2024 Autumn House Press Nonfiction Prize. Instagram: @lawler.keegan Sayantani Dasgupta Interviewed by Keegan Lawler Sayantani Dasgupta Interviewed by Keegan Lawler
Sayantani Dasgupta

By way of introduction to former BOR contributor Sayantani Dagupta’s…
Addy Gravatte
Menu Current Volume Archive About Us Submit Categories Addy Gravatte Addy F. Gravatte (they/them) is a queer + trans experimental collage artist/poet/screenwriter in the Bay Area whose work concerns body horror, sexuality, and translation. They are currently working on a text-image hybrid thesis centered around the body as material as part of the MFA program at California College of the Arts. Hailing from Virginia, where they grew up in the north and received their BFA from VCU in Richmond, they spent two years in France teaching English before moving to San Francisco, where they currently teach at SFSU. They spend their free time with their dog, Teddy, avidly consuming pop culture. Instagram: @adddddy37. Gub Dog Gub Dog
Scott Dorsch

Menu Current Volume Archive About Us Submit Categories Scott Dorsch Scott Dorsch is a writer and professional coffee roaster living in West Michigan. His work has appeared in Midwestern Gothic, Dunes Review, Everything Change Vol. III, and translated in Nowa Fantastyka. He served as the fiction editor for Fugue Literary Journal while completing an MFA in Creative Writing at the University of Idaho. He is currently at work on his first novel and short story collection. Follow him or get in touch at scottdorsch.com. Website: scottdorsch.com Cloudbursts Cloudbursts
jane putnam perry

Menu Current Volume Archive About Us Submit Categories jane putnam perry jane putnam perry, she/her, guest on unceded Lisjan Territory (Oakland, CA), auntie, member of 1000 Grandmothers, and a colonizer and Salem Witch Trials accuser, writes and creates art to recognize harms done and alive and pathways to mend with White Snake Diary and in McSweeney’s Quarterly Concern, The Oaklandside, The Gloucester Times, Paper Dragon, Alluvian, Still Point Arts Quarterly, The RavensPerch, The Bluebird Word, Glacial Hills Review, The Mail/The New Yorker, The Mantelpiece, Gyroscope Review, and several academic publications including Outdoor Play. Jane’s “Echo Bridge” was a 2021 audio poetry finalist in The Missouri Review, and “The Liminal Diary” was a 2023 Nonfiction finalist at Choeofpleirn Press. Find Jane at janepperry.com. Website: janepperry.com Carrying Instructions Carrying Instructions
Harley Chapman

Menu Current Volume Archive About Us Submit Categories Harley Chapman Harley Anastasia Chapman holds an MFA in poetry from Columbia College Chicago & a BA in English Studies from Illinois State University. She was awarded the Allen & Lynn Turner Poetry Prize and has been a finalist for the Palette Poetry Emerging Poet Prize and the Pablo Neruda Prize for Poetry. Her poems can be found in Nimrod International Journal, Atlanta Review, Superstition Review, Bridge Eight Press, & Columbia Poetry Review, among others. Her first chapbook, Smiling with Teeth, is available through Finishing Line Press. Instagram: @rabbitxteeth when i say my father is homeless, i mean: when i say my father is homeless, i mean:
Sophia Ivey
Menu Current Volume Archive About Us Submit Categories Sophia Ivey Sophia Ivey is an MFA candidate for poetry at North Carolina State University. She has published a number of her poems in places such as The Oakland Arts Review, Hole in the Head Review, and Ghost City Press. She grew up in Florida and studied English Literature at Florida State University. Sophia is also a big fan of bumble bees and Kermit the Frog. Girlhood Sonnet Girlhood Sonnet
Andrea Bianchi
Menu Current Volume Archive About Us Submit Categories Andrea Bianchi Andrea Bianchi lives in Chicago. Her writing has appeared or is forthcoming in Witness, Pinch, New Ohio Review, The Rumpus, Hunger Mountain Review, CutBank, Epiphany, The Smart Set, New South, and elsewhere. Her writing was selected as a notable essay in The Best American Essays 2021, and her nonfiction was named the winner of Hunger Mountain Review’s 2023 Creative Nonfiction Prize. She is an MFA+MA candidate in the Litowitz Creative Writing Program at Northwestern University. Website: writingandrea.com On the Other Side of the Wall